General classes

To add basic behaviours to your website.

.left Float objects left
.right Float objects right
.center Float object and text centered
.cf Clear:both - will add this after the element
.block Make an element a block
.inline-block Make an element a inline block
.hide Display style of the element will be 'none'.
.invisible Visibility style of the element will be 'hidden'.
.desktop Only visible at desktop size screens
.mobile Only visible at mobile size screens
.hand Will ad a hover hand pointer to any element.
.trans Will make an element 80% transparent.
.middle Place an element vertically aligned to the middle.
.no-marg Remove all margings of the element.
.no-pad Remove all paddings of the element.
.no-hover Remove basic text hover effects.
.relative Add the relative position to an element.
.absolute Add the absolute position to an element.
.fixed Add the fixed position to an element. Combine classes to place an absolute object at a corner.
.fixed.bottom Combine classes to place an fixed object at any corner or position.
.round round object Add round corners to an object. You can also apply this to give an image round corners.
.circled circled object