To add basic behaviours to your website.
.left |
Float objects left | |
.right |
Float objects right | |
.center |
Float object and text centered | |
.cf |
Clear:both - will add this after the element | |
.block |
Make an element a block | |
.inline-block |
Make an element a inline block | |
.hide |
Display style of the element will be 'none'. | |
.invisible |
Visibility style of the element will be 'hidden'. | |
.desktop |
Only visible at desktop size screens | |
.mobile |
Only visible at mobile size screens | |
.hand |
Will ad a hover hand pointer to any element. | |
.trans |
Will make an element 80% transparent. | |
.middle |
Place an element vertically aligned to the middle. | |
.no-marg |
Remove all margings of the element. | |
.no-pad |
Remove all paddings of the element. | |
.no-hover |
Remove basic text hover effects. | |
.no-wrap |
.no-border |
.no-scroll |
.height-auto |
.relative |
Add the relative position to an element. | |
.absolute |
Add the absolute position to an element. | |
.fixed |
Add the fixed position to an element. | |
.absolute .top |
Combine classes to place an absolute object at a corner. | |
.fixed .bottom |
Combine classes to place an fixed object at any corner or position. | |
.round |
round object | Add round corners to an object. You can also apply this to give an image round corners. |
.circled |
circled object |