Grid with automated gutter and different size types to use. The grid has a mobile view up to 767px and a center view .cotnainer-center
from max 1220px. Width will be automated resized.
.container |
Sets the master website size and responsive view | |
.container-center |
Page will be centered | |
.fluid |
Add to the container to remove side paddings | |
.grid |
Start a grid block | |
.grid-collapse |
Add to the grid class to remove gutter |
.width-1-1 |
One block with max width of master block. | |
.width-1-2 |
Grid divided into 2 blocks. | |
.width-1-3 |
Grid divided into 3 blocks. | |
.width-1-4 |
Grid divided into 4 blocks. | |
.width-1-5 |
Grid divided into 5 blocks. | |
.width-1-6 |
Grid divided into 6 blocks. | |
.width-1-10 |
Grid divided into 10 blocks. |
.width-small-1-1 |
For mobile view to 767px. | |
.width-medium-1-1 |
For medium screen to 960px. | |
.width-large-1-1 |
For screens larger than 960px. |
.push-* |
Use the logic from the grid system. | |
.pull-* |
Use the logic from the grid system. |